LED Lighting

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CGA’s Advanced LED Lighting for Commercial Usage

  1. Light/LED Metering
  2. LED Savings
  3. LED Enhancement
  4. LED Engineering, Design, and Installation Services
  5. LED External Lighting (Parking lots, etc.)
  6. LED Sports Lighting
  7. Identification of LED Lighting Incentives

CGA: Installing Some of the Best in the Market

Some Basic Advantages of LED Lighting:

LED Lighting fixtures are the most energy-efficient and versatile solution for lighting your warehouse. LED energy consumption is lower than that of any other light source, yet their Lumen output is generally superior. It is also possible to purchase LEDs as part of a complete fixture for new construction or as retrofits for existing fixtures.

Why LEDs for Warehouses?

LED Lighting fixtures are the most energy-efficient and versatile solution for lighting your warehouse. LED energy consumption is lower than that of any other light source, yet their Lumen output is generally superior. It is also possible to purchase LEDs as part of a complete fixture for new construction or as retrofits for existing fixtures.

Some LED benefits in this area:

1. Cost – pricing on high lumen lights is far cheaper today.

2. Energy savings – LEDs use 90% less energy than incandescent lights. At US average rates per kilowatt hour, these fixtures pay for themselves in 1 to 4 years.

3. Look & Design – LEDs look sleek and modern, enhancing a sophisticated and productive ergonomic benefit across the board.

4. Ease of Installation & Use – LEDs are easy to install.

5. Safety Features – No UV or mercury.

6. Low Maintenance – LED maintenance can be reduced by 95%.

LED Lighting is highly energy efficient.

LEDs produce less heat and generate more light at a much lower cost. Our photometric designs ensure optimal lighting at the lowest possible cost. LEDs are eco-friendly and do not contain lead, mercury, arsenic, or other harmful gases.

CGA Sports Lighting

LED has three primary advantage in sports settings:

1. Reduction in energy consumed,
2. Reduced maintenance cost, and
3. Significantly better lighting performance. LED vastly improves the quality of sports fields and arenas.